He's back! The lean green ghost capturing machine with his mighty Poltergust! More than 10 years ago the first Luigi's Mansion came out on the GameCube, Luigi's Mansion 1 & 2 were developed by "Next Level Games", who were also the developers of the "Mario Strikers" series. And Luigi's Mansion 2 is finally here, on Nintendo 3DS!
This game takes place in a place called "Evershade Valley", when Professor E. Gadd requires Luigi's help because the Dark Moon is mysteriously shattered into 6 pieces, consequently the ghosts go mad, and start wrecking E.Gadd's lab, because the ghosts were helping the professor with his research. Luigi must travel to 5 different mansion to get the Dark Moons shards back, the 6th one is with King Boo, who isn't in a mansion, he is hiding in his own illusion.
Unlike the free roam on Luigi's Mansion 1, the mansions in this game are mission based, in each mission you can find a boo and try and get 3 star rank, you get a better rank the more money you collect and the time it takes you to do it, the shorter the time, the more points you get, if you find the boo in each mission, you unlock an extra mission for the mansion where you captured all the boos, you can also find gems in the mansions, for finding all the gems in each mansion, you get special rewards! The mansions all have something different to offer, they are also in different locations.
Evershade Valley.
The Mansions:
Each Dark Moon shard is being protected by Possessor Ghosts, they are basically the bosses of this game. The first mansion Luigi must travel to is the "Gloomy Manor" which is set in the Plains of Evershade Valley, this mansion was pretty cool, it was a classic mansion like the one in Luigi's Mansion 1, the gems and boos have great hiding places, like they have in every other mansion. Once you slay the boss in the "Gloomy Manor", (it's a spider, very scary, be careful :D).
The fog on the map, moves away from the second mansion. Luigi then travels to the "Haunted Towers", they are placed in the forest in Evershade Valley, this location is a rather cool mansion, personally, I really enjoyed this world, the atmosphere was great, the only annoying thing, was the stupid plants that should eat you, they were a pain :-(. The Possessor Ghost in this world possesses a wooden staircase, this is probably the easiest boss fight ever.
The fog then moves away from the third mansion which is the location of the third Dark Moon shard. This third location Luigi must go to is the "Old Clockworks", this abandoned clockwork tower is situated in the desert of Evershade Valley. This third part of the game was also very fun, the boss was a lot better than the last one, the Possessor Ghost possessed a clock and you had a minute to capture a wave of ghosts, each minute was equal to 1 hour, so you had to do 12 waves, before being able to finish off the Possessor Ghost.
Once you capture that Possessor Ghost and recover your third Dark Moon piece, the fog then moves away from the 4th world, which is set in some kind of winter wonderland corner of Evershade Valley, this 4th place Luigi must explore to try and find the Dark Moon piece is called the "Secret Mine", this land was rather annoying, but the boss fight was worth the puzzles that this mysterious place had to offer. You went down a hill shooting some sort of grenade launcher at an ice boss while sitting on a sledge, once you noob tube the hell out of this Possessor Ghost, you recover the 4th Dark Moon shard.
The fog then proceeds to move away from the 5th and final mansion, the biggest mansion of all, the "Treacherous Mansion" which is set in some sort of ravine, the boss fight was supremely hard in this land, King Boo opens a portal to the universe of scary ghosts, and lets them all you, you must then go and capture them all, before the whole world collapses on itself, pretty big deal, once you go into near enough every room in this mansion, and capture all the ghosts in them rooms, you go to where the portal is, and capture a mega ton more ghosts, this level requires A LOT of skill, you then jump into the portal and capture the Possessor Ghosts, yes, there are a few of em, the 1 that is guarding the last Dark Moon shard splits up and goes into suits of armor, you then have to pull the rug that they walk on, and make them fall over, once you finally beat this Possessor Ghost, you get transported back professor E.Gadd.
EXCEPT! That you don't make it back to the professor, King Boo intercepts your teleportation, and you fight him in his Illusion world, this boss fight was pretty fun, you had to make rocks fall on his dead, and then try and suck him up, each time you dealt damage to him, he put you in a long corridor with obstacles you had to run past, this part of the boss fight required fast enough reactions, to dodge the obstacles and to try and pick up the random money.Once you beat him, you rescue Mario from the painting he got trapped in, Mario is such a noob he got stuck in a painting. TWICE. You then rebuild the Dark Moon with the last shard you got from capturing King Boo.
Once you beat the game, you can go back through it, trying to get 3 star rank in each mission, and trying to get all the gems and capture all the boos.
The Ghosts:
The ghosts in this game are a lot different from the ones in Luigi's Mansion 1, in this game, the ghosts can wear sunglasses, or put pots on their heads, and many other objects, to hide from the light of your torch, so you first have to suck the item off them.
There are all sorts of ghosts, will all different attacks, there are ghosts that go invisible, ghosts that can hide inside stuff, ones that spit stuff at you, ones that try and eat you...
The MultiPlayer:
Unlike the first Luigi's Mansion game, this was has an Online Multiplayer mode, where up to 4 Luigis hunt ghosts in the "Thrill Tower", this tower of ghostly power can be set to 5. 10. 25 or infinite floors, and each floor is random each time you play.
There are several game modes for this Online MultiPlayer, there is the "Rush" mode, where you must rush to find the switches that activate the door, if you capture all the ghosts in a room, you get added time, if you run out of time it's game over. "Hunter" mode, where you have to capture all the ghosts on the floor to be able to proceed to the next floor. There is also the "Polterpup" mode, you have to capture the hidden Polterpups, once you find and capture them all, you can advance to the next floor.
And once you complete them 3 game modes to floor 25, you unlock a bonus mode, where each floor is one of them 3 game modes.
I hope you enjoyed this review, and I hope you will play this game very soon, it has surprisingly good graphics, the 3D is epic, the gameplay is smooth and fun, I would give it a 9/10, sure it has it has a few flaws, the story mode was shorter than expected, but apart from that it's insanely good.